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Management Commands#

Resetting the Database#

To reset the Postgres database by dropping and recreating the riven table, you can use the following commands:


This will cause all of the data in your database to be lost. To include metadata, scraped times, and other data that's needed to run Riven.

Make sure you have the postgres container running, and you should docker stop riven before running the following commands.

docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS riven;"
docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE riven;"

Set the HARD_RESET environment variable to true in your .env or docker-compose.yml file.


Then, restart Riven. Be sure to set HARD_RESET back to false after the reset is complete.

Make sure you have the postgres container running, before running the following commands.

rm -rf data/alembic/
poetry run python src/ --hard_reset_db

From the Riven backend (via the button on your Dashboard), press Ctrl+C twice to restart Riven. Once it does, you will see the following instructions:

💥 For the option to reset your database, press the ++x++ key within 10 seconds...

After the database is reset, upon restarting Riven, we will load back in the symlinks and re-index your library.

Resetting the Subtitles Database#

To reset the Subtitles database by deleting the subliminal.dbm* files, you can use the following command:

rm -r data/subliminal.dbm*

This needs to point to the data directory that the settings.json file is located in.

Navigate to config/riven in FileBrowser, and delete all the subliminal.dbm files 👍


This will delete all of your Subtitles database files, and you will lose all your Subtitles.


This is not necessary and only needed if you're experiencing issues with the Subtitles specifically.

To trigger a symlink repair, you can use one of the following methods:

poetry run python /src/ --fix_symlinks

Set the FIX_SYMLINKS environment variable to true in your .env file.


Then, restart Riven. Be sure to set FIX_SYMLINKS back to false after the repair is complete.

Alternatively, you can also set the symlink repair option from the Riven settings, and just lower the interval to 1 hour.